Dr. Shay Menachem
Dr. Shay Menachem is an orthopaedic spine surgeon.
Graduated from a residency in orthopedic surgery at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, after which he moved to work in the spine surgery unit at Rambam Hospital, Haifa.
He then went to specialize in spine surgery in Sydney, Australia.
Since his return from Australia, he has been a senior surgeon in the spine surgery unit at Rambam Hospital, Haifa.
His areas of practice include diagnosis and consultation for a variety of spine problems, including spine surgeries using the most advanced treatment methods.
During his training and medical career, Dr. Menachem had the privilege of working with leading spine specialists in their field in the world treating a wide variety of spinal diseases using the most advanced means.
Specialist in orthopedic surgery
Dr. Menachem is a graduate of an orthopedic surgery residency at Sheba Hospital, Tel Hashomer. After completing his internship, he served as a senior surgeon in the orthopedic department and the spine unit in particular. During the residency, Dr. Menachem treated a variety of orthopedic problems with an emphasis on diseases of the spine, including surgical treatments in adults and children.
After that, Dr. Menachem joined the Spine Surgery Unit at Rambam Hospital as a senior surgeon treating a variety of back and spine diseases, including urgent and elective surgical treatments.
Subspecialty in spine surgery
In 2019, Dr. Menachem went to specialize in complex spine surgery at Macquarie University Hospital in Sydney, Australia, with an emphasis on treating a variety of spine diseases in adults using advanced surgical methods that he applies in his work today.
later on, Dr. Menachem underwent an additional specialization in spine surgery at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, Australia, a hospital that serves as a main center for the treatment of trauma and tumors of the spine.
Academia and research
Dr. Menachem engages in academic activities, including research, and is a co-author of scientific papers published in professional journals and presented at international professional meetings. He is also involved in teaching students and residents on spine diseases and surgery.
Dr. Menachem is an active member of professional associations - the Israeli Spine Society, AO Spine, and SMISS - Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery